Category: Gaming
Phantom Liberty is Heartbreaking
in GamingMost DLC content has the advantage of knowing exactly what worked in a game’s original release, allowing developers to springboard off of the existing universe and mechanics without having to start at square one. Minutes into the Phantom Liberty expansion, it becomes apparent that Cyberpunk’s original release walked so it could run. Or… jump? The…
Dark Souls II: Who is the Fume Knight?
in GamingBrume Tower’s sprawling architecture lies crumbling, blanketed in ash and dust. Massive iron chains connect the once magnificent architecture while the desecrated landscape still smolders with a destructive flame’s glow. Inside, a slew of elevators connect the many floors of the tower. Waiting at the core of the structure, encased in an arena of ash,…
Will Starfield’s May Update be Enough?
in GamingBethesda recently announced a major update for Starfield that will be released later this month, featuring UI overhauls, expanded difficulty customization, and improved planet maps. As wonderful as these features look, do they really address the issues that sank Starfield from one of the most anticipated Microsoft debuts of all time, to the largely criticised…
Cyberpunk 2077 = Fallout: New Vegas 2
in Gaming…and that’s a good thing. Comparison is a powerful, if not stubborn, influence over our thinking. It’s a force that can manipulate our perception of a subject whether we’d like it to or not. Although this can prove to be detrimental to making unbiased judgments, there are scenarios where attributing qualities from the familiar to…
Beating Baldur’s Gate 3’s Honour Mode
in GamingDetermining what makes a video game fun is a difficult answer to pinpoint. Many players value engaging combat requiring calculated stratagems, others prize the ability to solve puzzles in unique ways through the provided mechanics, and some place emphasis on the ability to create unique stories through the game’s digital world. The unifying factor, I…